Overview of Services
Executive Team Effectiveness
We believe that the behaviors and outcomes demonstrated by the executive team predict what is also happening throughout the organization. So, the highest leverage for improving organizational performance is to improve the executive team’s performance. Listed here are some of the ways that we help executives achieve peak performance.
Executive Coaching and Leadership Development
Executive coaching provides one-on-one development that is essential for rapid performance improvement. Our leadership development focuses on the core skills and practices that drive breakthroughs in performance
Improving Executive Team Dynamics
We help executive teams draw on their collective intelligence, address complex and politically-charged issues, see issues more clearly and completely, be more strategic, focus on the priorities, and more
Breaking Down Silos/Increasing Collaboration
Improving collaboration and breaking down the silos among senior managers can dramatically improve the flow of ideas and resources, and drive breakthroughs in efficiency and effectiveness
Developing New & Potential Executives
We help recently promoted executives to rapidly get up to speed and accelerate the achievement of performance improvements. We also assist high-potential senior managers who are deficient in certain areas to develop the capabilities and behaviors that are essential to make the jump to the executive level
Applicant Interviews & Assessment
Our consultants draw on unique linguistic evaluation and behavioral observation skills to provide unexpected and penetrating insights into the likely behaviors, developmental needs, and fit with the team and organizational culture of prospective hires
Transformational Coaching
Executive Coaching is THE essential element for executive-level learning and leadership development because it provides private, personalized, and powerful learning experiences. Our coaches are unique in that they are seasoned business professionals who later cross-trained in the leading techniques for transforming mind-sets and cultivating new behaviors.
The Exceptional Leader Intensive™ Program
Research has shown that exceptional leaders outperform good leaders by 125% or more! This program focuses on the key improvements required to raise leaders to the 80-90 percentile of leadership effectiveness which is where exceptional results are produced.
The 911 Save-an-Exec™ Program
Sometimes high potential managers and executives demonstrate mind-sets or behaviors which left unchecked will derail or end a promising career. With this program we help our clients address these issues and transform their performance, thus salvaging their career.
The Grow-an-Exec™ Program
In today’s competitive environment even well-performing executives must continue to grow and improve in order to stay in top form. This program helps these execs build on what they are doing well, polish any rough edges and take their performance to the next level.
The New Exec Rapid Startup™ Program
Being a successful executive is a very different challenge than being a successful manager. We help managers who were recently promoted to the executive ranks learn how to function at this level and accelerate their integration into their new role.
The 360° Assessment and Coaching Program
We offer this program for organizations that want to provide leaders at any level a 360° assessment and a few hours of coaching to help them leverage the benefits they get from the instrument. We use the Leadership Circle instrument which is an exceptional tool.
Executive Alignment
Lots of companies have big plans, bold strategies, and exciting ideas for creating breakthroughs in their marketplace that will dramatically grow the top or bottom-line. Yet very few companies ever deliver on the promise of these big ideas. A primary reason is a lack of executive alignment. This can show up as a lack of commitment to the organization’s goals, lack of belief that the organization can achieve such lofty goals, and the inability of the executive staff to work together as a team to move forward toward the goals.
The Executive Alignment Process at Connie Youngblood & Associates addresses these issues and enables companies to drive toward their goals, no matter how big they are!
Positive Influence for Powerful Results Workshop
Influencing is one of the most important skills that anyone can have in today’s economy. All of us are managers with a “little m”. In other words, we often have responsibility for projects and outcomes without the formal authority we might wish for. This powerful workshop focuses on leveraging influence to create more productive and even more enjoyable relationships with your boss, peers and employees. Participants will learn strategies to help communicate their needs to others in productive and convincing ways while ensuring the needs of the organization and others are also met.
The Positive Influence for Powerful Results program is a one-day intensive workshop that provides powerful tools for achieving mutually beneficial outcomes with other people. Some of the unique qualities of this program are:
- Hands-on, personalized attention and coaching through a low student-to-trainer ratio (1:8)
- Experienced staff who are masterful coaches with advanced training skills
- Extensive practice of concepts learned
- Exercises that deal with the participants’ real-life situations and issues
Assessment Instruments
We primarily use three powerful assessment instruments in our practice, the CORE Multi-dimensional Awareness Profile and the Leadership Circle 360°Assessment instruments
CORE Multi-dimensional Awareness Profile www.coremap.com
The CORE Multidimensional Awareness Profile (CORE MAP)® is an effective, reliable, valid, and in-depth personality assesssment tool designed to measure the multiple aspects of self perception and personality development. CORE MAP® meeasures and evaluates natural tendencies, preferred functioning modes, personal effectiveness traits, strengths, weaknesses, reactionary styles, tolerance levels and more. No other instrument provides a fuller, more complete personal profile.
Leadership Circle Assessments www.theleadershipcircle.com
Leadership 360 - The Leadership Circle Profile is the only 360 degree assessment that measures the two primary leadership domains - Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies - and integrates this information so that the key opportunities for development immediately rise to the surface. Most importantly, TLCP is unique in that it reveals a leader's Operating System: The internal assumptions (beliefs) that run behavior in both domains. This allows the manager to see how his/her inner world of thought is translating into a productive or unproductive style of leadership. Ultimately TLCP increases the inner awareness that affects outward behavior.
Leadership Circle Culture Profile - The Leadership Culture Survey (TLCS) delivers a powerful "litmus" test of your leadership culture. USed for your entire organization, or just a leadership team, TLCS reveals how your people view their current leadership culture, and compares that reality to the optimal culture they desire. The "gap" between data on their current culture and their desired culture instantly reveals key opportunities for leadership development. Furthermore, TLCS measures how your leadership culture compares to that of other organizations.